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Captura de Tela 2021-09-19 às 07.19.21.png


Learning to register the coworker in the Conexa System 

Details Module.

This is one of the most important screens and also requires subjective information.

In the field "Short presentation of your client's business" you need to talk about the client's company or professional activity. 

What has it been doing, for how long, what segment has it been in, in which square (if only in the city, state, country...).

How many collaborators do you have....

Take advantage of this field so that everyone knows who this company/professional is.

In the field "Services and products offered"  you should do the same, only now tell what this coworker produces or sells. And it is worth describing the products and services here. 

Imagine that someone will be able to ask you about: Who designs pools in the coworker? If you have detailed this activity from someone, any host or even another coworker will locate the client and we will then make a connection.  

In the field "Which names can be used by people who come to look for this customer" you must insert tags (reference words) to be used in the system's search fields. 

For ex: An architecture firm you could use:  "architect; architecture; projects; interiors, decoration"

In the "Service guidelines" field, you must enter any information that you feel is important for the team to know and that is specific to the customer. For example: "Customer brings Pet at some point" or "Customer doesn't want to be recognized, wants privacy".  

In the field "Correspondence guidelines", the same as above, however specifying some rule that he may pass on to us. There are customers who DON'T want anyone to sign deliveries for them, for example... So, it's worth asking in the initial interview for you to ask what you prefer to stop this item.




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