Learning to register the coworker in the Conexa System
identification module
The Conexa System is our ERP, that is, the coworking manager. All movement (purchases, contracts, room reservations, etc.) is carried out through it.
Access to Conexa is via the link: https://splace.conexa.app
So when we receive a new customer in the coworking, we must register him and this must be done in a careful interview, where you host( ess) must not only register his basic data (documents, name, address, etc.) but also enter in specific fields, information that indicates the coworker's style, what he does, what he likes, both professionally and personally.
But let's go to the system:
The registration module is on this screen on the left menu (in black):
Importantly, always check to see if this customer you are going to register has not already been registered by someone in the sales area.
To do this, go to [List customers] and then click on the [Advanced search] button
There you filter by Company name/name and check to see if it exists. Existing you will only have the work of COMPLETING the data.
Heads up
If in fact the coworker has not yet been registered, then it is time to do so.
Click [Client] then [New Client].
This screen below will appear for you:
Fill it out fully. If there is any information missing that the coworker does not have at the moment, encourage him to bring you later and you complete ALL registration.
In the "partner/source" field, you will ask him how he got to know Splace.
The photo, you can ask him, or upload the one he has on some social network.
In the field "line of activity" insert the one related to his professional activity (Architecture, engineering, designer, etc...)
In the field "Observations" you will enter all the impressions you had of the coworker during the interview. This field will NOT be visible to the coworker, so you can enter information that you think is valid for our service.
Well, once this screen is completed, click on [Continue] and we will follow the following screens, which are nothing more than the ones marked in blue in the header of this Conexa screen